Are Hemorrhoids Normal? When to See a Doctor

Has going “number two” become an unwelcome and unpleasant chore? If you’re experiencing painful bowel movements; see faint bleeding after passing stool; or have bumps, itchiness, or swelling near your anal entrance, you probably have hemorrhoids. You may wonder if Preparation H is a good investment, or if you should go see a doctor for your “butt problem.”

At Texas Surgical Care in Kingswood, Texas, Dr. Ronald Ambe can help diagnose, treat, and even remove your hemorrhoids. This can make you feel more comfortable with your body again, relieve pain and discomfort, and give you back a normal bathroom experience.

Hemorrhoid basics

Hemorrhoids are similar to varicose veins, in that blood has stopped flowing normally through the area and has pooled in place. This causes swollen, bulging veins in your anorectal region, anywhere from your lower rectum to just outside the anus. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the body; external hemorrhoids develop underneath the skin of your anal opening.

Hemorrhoids can be barely noticeable, may itch severely, or can cause intense pain and excessive bleeding. Don’t ignore hemorrhoids. Without treatment they just get worse and can make your life miserable. And you don’t have to be embarrassed about your them; 1-in-20 people in the United States have to go see a doctor for their own hemorrhoids every year.

When to see the proctologist

Dr. Ambe identifies these four signs that indicate your hemorrhoids need medical intervention:

1. Bleeding when you have a bowel movement

You should always see a doctor if you have rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids are one of the most likely causes, but there are also serious conditions that cause rectal bleeding. If the blood is bright red, it means it comes from a place near the anal opening and is probably a hemorrhoid. If it’s darker, you could be bleeding internally from another source. If you’ve never been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, or the color or the amount of your blood changes, you need to book an appointment.

2. Bulging around or through the anus

Internal hemorrhoids can prolapse — or fall outside of the anal opening — when you’re having a bowel movement. Usually, the tissue retracts on its own when you’re done, or you can push it back in easily. However, prolapses get worse over time. A piece of your internal tissue can get trapped outside the anus, leading to bleeding, itching, and burning. Seek hemorrhoid treatment early to prevent anal prolapse.

3. Always feeling like you need to “go”

A prolapsed internal hemorrhoid can block the passage of stool, so you never feel like a bowel movement is complete. You might also see mucus when you wipe, have trouble getting yourself completely clean, or see stains in your underwear from leaking. Dr. Ambe can remedy these symptoms by treating your hemorrhoid.

4. Constant irritation, itching, or pain in the anal region

Hemorrhoid discomfort can become severe and disrupt your life. If your daily schedule starts to revolve around dealing with hemorrhoid pain and itching, it’s time to ask a proctologist for help.

Are you ready to ditch the discomfort of your hemorrhoids? Contact our office today at 832-280-8691 or book an appointment online.

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